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About Metis Global Group

Metis Global Group is a financial group that strives to provide unconventional trust and wealth management solutions to clients in Asia. As members of a well-established group, Metis Global (Singapore) Pte. Limited, Metis Global Limited, and Metis Global (Cook Islands) Limited offer trust solutions from jurisdictions that have well-developed trust protections which provide clients with comprehensive asset protection.


A Trusted Partner In Creating Financial Legacies


Making an Impact
Operate with a mission to positively impact the lives of people; including our customers, business partners, employees, and the community.
Respect, trust, and accountability enable us to operate in an environment where all are empowered to make a difference to ourselves and to others. Have the courage to share and encourage others to share.
Accepting differences through mutual respect and trust. Collaborate to deliver further greater outcomes collectively than individually. Grow together as one solid aligned force.
We hold ourselves accountable to be reliable, authentic, and loyal. Be committed to promises made and have the courage to do the right thing even in the face of pressure.
Service to others
We exist to serve. The opportunity to be of service to others is both an honour and a privilege. In the spirit of service, we are committed to giving our time, energy, and resources.


The Name

In Greek mythology, Metis was the daughter of Gods Oceanus and Tethys and she was the first wife of the King of Gods – Zeus. Metis represents wisdom and prudence and the Athenians view her as a notable goddess as she helped Zeus gained ultimate victory in the battle between Zeus and Cronus (Zeus’ father).

As our name implies, Metis aims to use our wisdom of the industry and skills we gained over the years to build hybrid financial plans that are simple, globalized, innovative and effective so as to provide a satisfactory solution for our worldwide clients.

The Chinese name of Metis is 「安智 (An Zhi)」 which we aspire to convey its same meaning in English - to be your "Partner For Trust".

The Logo

Our trademarked logo, combining oriental culture with Western wisdom, represents Metis' uniqueness. The pictorial mark depicts the sun rising from the water, a symbol of wealth in Chinese culture. Embodied in the pictorial mark is our vision to support our clients to achieve a wealthy and bright future.

Our logo encompasses two handpicked colours. The sunrise orange colour stands for our promise to protect clients' assets and help them on their journey to accumulating a family fortune. Metis blue symbolises loyalty, strength, wisdom and trust, traits that are exhibited by Metis. With our high industry standards and transparency, we strive to become our clients' most trusted asset management partner.

The Brand Colours

We have changed our trademark colour from sunrise orange to elegant gold and we look forward to working with you to a prosperous future.

There is a story behind every step we took and each upgrade is to fulfill our promises to clients to provide the best trust services we could offer.

And now, as our core value -"Partner For Trust" indicates, we look forward to walking hand in hand with you to the brightest future.



Asset Protection Safeguard and protect asset loss due to global political situation, company bankruptcy, personal litigation, and divorce.


Probate Avoidance (Discretionary Trusts only) The assets in the trust can be distributed without going through probate, which can avoid prolonged court procedures saving time and expenses.


Legitimate Tax Planning Proper trust planning can achieve the purpose of tax-savings and relieve the tax burden of settlor or beneficiary.


Effective Succession Planning (Discretionary Trusts only) Using a Letter of Wishes, a settlor can arrange their assets flexibly and pass an inheritance on to future generations.


Privacy Trusts are private. The terms of a trust are confidential and not available to the public.


Trust Jurisdiction Different jurisdictions provide different trust advantages. We are committed to developing global offshore jurisdictions to assist clients in finding the most suitable trust planning for them.


A Team of Professional Expertise

Our core management team is comprised of experienced financial and legal experts who have worked for fund houses, investment managers, retail banks, private banks, and the insurance industry.

Plan Innovation

We aim to build innovative trust plans by offering simple and all-round trust solutions that meet the needs of different regions.

Strict Internal Risk Control

Policies of independent controls and internal risk management are in place to provide multiple layers of compliance control and protection.

Trustworthy Partners

We partner with internationally renowned financial institutions that have outstanding track records and comprehensive asset strategies. As clients’ assets are handed over to the custodian bank for safekeeping, therefore choosing a top credit-rating bank is vital in achieving maximum protection.

Wide Range of Assets

Opportunities and Flexibility Clients have access to a comprehensive selection of assets depending on their preferences and risk tolerance level, which includes equities, bonds, and alternative investments worldwide.

Sophisticated Client Online System

Access to your plan details or account values is available 24/7 through our online system. Personal information and asset allocation can also be changed.

Asset Transfers Made Easy and Convenient

Clients can easily designate a beneficiary, contingent beneficiary, or transfer the plan to a third party by completing designated documents. (Related functions are applicable to different plans, please refer to the introduction of each plan for details)


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